Last week, on the 22
nd and 23
rd of June, took place the
Global Debt Business Forum, organized by the
DDC Financial Group, and Servdebt was present as Gold Sponsor.
In a context were “(…) global economies continue to reel from a tumultuous 2020 (…)”, the goal of this event was to analyse the “(…) key areas of the global debt investing market with the aims of highlighting new investment opportunities, establishing new connections, educating and preparing for business to take off in 2H 2021 & 2022”.
The Global Debt Business Forum, gathered “(…) some of the leading distressed investing experts (…)”, who presented “(…) their outlooks on global and regional markets, (…) [including] current and expected developments on Debt Management issues, NPL Investments & Management, REO, Private Equity & Investment Groups across regions.”

Our CEO, Bruno Carneiro, represented Servdebt at the “Iberia – NPL Portfolios & REO Deals” panel, where he presented his perspectives on the evolution of the global and regional NPL markets.
Bearing in mind the “(…) strong dependence of countries on post-pandemic relief programs, with more than 20% of total loans in default, [and that the] pressure on bank balance sheets will increase and bad debt will also grow (…)”, this panel sought to address the new developments and key drivers in Post-Covid-19 Spain & Portugal, answering the following questions:
How are recently introduced debtor friendly changes in legal framework affecting current investor sentiment?
How have recent developments in Catalonia been of particular concern for Spanish NPL investors? Are there any gains to be made from uncertainty?
Post-Covid-19: a less liquid market for Spanish non-performing credit?
What new originators are we starting to see by sector and industry, other than the Bank NPLs?
What can we expect from the Portuguese market in the near future, in terms of emerging trends and approaches?
With a high dependence on tourism, a significant increase in SME defaults is expected. What measures have been implemented to mitigate this?
How are local servicers adapting to the Post-Covid-19 phase of operations?
The Global Debt Business Forum, sponsored by Servdebt, was a success, counting with 204 participants, 5 interesting debate sessions, and 25 speakers, from the financial sector, from 23 countries.
After the event, DDC Financial Group shared this declaration:
“Many thanks to Sponsors, Partners and Speakers for their participation and support - and for making this event again a huge success! We heard some great discussions led by notable market leaders, presenting their outlooks on global and regional debt markets, with many interactions made through our networking capabilities.
Among others, we discussed how #NPLs are expected to trade in the coming years, what obstacles banks, servicers and regulators expect with the flows of new transactions, we analysed increasing relevancy of #digitalization and fintech aspects to debt investments, we talked about transition of #China’s NPL market and access to international investors. We discussed latest transactions & trends in the #Italian NPL/NPE market, the rise of secondary markets and real estate securitization finding its place. We highlighted new developments and key drivers in post-covid #Spain & #Portugal, with their heavy dependence on pandemic relief programs and pressure on bank’s balance sheets associated with expected increase of NPLs. We also debated how prepared are western European markets such as #France, #Germany, the #UK and #Ireland for the expected tide of distressed assets and in which aspects is this crisis different.”